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How to turn each foolish painting a craze or faddish form of visual art? Specifically, we are looking into painting. All famous painters have one thing in common. They try to infer from nature and copy from it. That is the immediate source of information. And they copy it almost to the dot!! However, all great artists start with a foolish painting.

There are arts out there created from feeling and imagination. This a different topic which we will not touch in this post. But, we would like to say that copying nature is the first form of art. As mentioned, that is the most immediate data in front of an artist. Imagination emanates from experience and feelings, and the artist who uses these form of information to make painting is not going to very likeable.


The great painter Leonardo da Vinci spent almost seventeen years making the portrait of Mona Lisa. Despite his busy schedule in other works, he carried this portrait around with him wherever he went as he was passionate to complete it. The thoroughness in this portrait had made this into a world's most famous painting ever!

Passion is the best color to input in a foolish painting to turn it into a faddish form of visual art. Passion creates a need to spend more time on our foolish painting.

Don't Rush

With passion , we will want a foolish painting to be in detail. And detail is subject to the artist attitude towards the painting.

Its lines, shapes, color, fill all will have to blend together to form as if the painting has a life. Where artificial and superficial strokes are enhanced to bring a copy like from the subject. And this is not an easy task for anyone who wants to paint. The artist needs to have this "no rush policy" built in within him. This obsessive order has a magnetic pull that evolves between the artist and his foolish painting when he draws those evasive lines to reality.

Keep your day job

To earn a living, the simplest mode of income is to get an employment. Get a job that is most suitable. And being employed is a good option. The artist needs to satisfy his basic needs of daily life : food, clothing and shelter. No matter what, before the artist hits the jackpot he should not quit his day job.

The painter should divide his time and spend at least two hours during the off day on his foolish painting. Once he has the basic needs fulfilled, the artist can focus on his foolish painting. Remember passion does not give money to live, only the product does. But, it has to be turned from a foolish work to a beautiful painting before it can be monetized.

Don't bother to monetize

Don't bother to monetize the painting without getting the "wow" factor.

Do not bother to monetize a foolish painting. Who will want to admire the artist foolish painting? There are so many fine paintings out there for the world to see. And why do the artist think people will buy his painting?

The painter should show a sample of his painting in process to get some clue whether it can serve him for bread and butter. Get a survey from people from all walks of life based on gender and age group. The best thing to do is to ask someone who is four or five years old. If they give a thumbs up, that will be the most genuine remarks for the artist work.

Don't bother to happy

The artist emotion will show up in his painting. It affects his color combination and mixing. Therefore, the artist should get into his work on the scheduled time despite his negative vibes.

The painting process has an import effect on his emotion and eventually the artist will find his state has turned onto a happy outcome. This is what we call art therapy. Like music, painting has a healing effect on the artist. If a person observes a painting he will get the same effect too. This is the single most solution a painting should render to an observer. Tourism in a frame. And that is when a painting becomes famous. a

All great painters had a varied responsibilities in their lives. They are not only facing the canvas. But, they get their emotions on the right track after each process of painting. As they repeat this process, they get emotions corrected and at the same time turned each foolish painting a craze or faddish form of visual art.

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